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  • What is arbitrage?

Arbitrage is a trading strategy that capitalizes on price discrepancies to generate profits. It's based on a simple principle: buy low, sell high, and pocket the difference. This repetitive process is called a trade, trading cycle, arbitrage loop, or transaction. 

  • How do your tools come into play?

Our tools streamline your workflow, freeing up your time and offering a more objective market perspective. The scanners identify all possible arbitrage opportunities with your current settings, and the Hops-bot handles the trading process entirely.

  • What is the average lifespan of an arbitrage?

Every arbitrage has a lifespan, ranging from minutes to hours, days, and beyond. The duration depends on the type of arbitrage, its complexity, the unique characteristics of the arbitrage, and the timing. To boost efficiency and profits, arbitrage traders employ various tools and strategies to manage risk and safeguard their funds.

  • How do I use your services?

We’ve got detailed videos and text-based instructions: 

  • How many potential arbitrages can the scanners identify?

The number of trades you'll find depends on your settings and current market conditions. We automatically scan and monitor rates for all assets and currencies, pulling data from the BestChange aggregator and multiple exchanges. 

  • How frequently do the scanners update arbitrage information?

The trade updates in our scanners sync up with the update frequency of the BestChange exchanger aggregator.

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